The McGill International Review - Canada's premier undergraduate journal of international affairs
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Underpaid Fighting Championship? The Uphill Battle for a UFC Union
The Editors' Desk
Opinion | The Pain of Digging Deeper
All Quiet in the ‘West’ Wing
In the last two decades, there have been discoveries of oil and natural gas in the Eastern Mediterranean. We asked…
Tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean: Interview Part 1
East Africa’s Locust Outbreak and the Shortcomings of the…
Bobi Wine: An Unlikely Challenge to Status Quo Power in…
The Hour of Informal Economy : Challenging Unemployment in…
COVID-19 from a Public Health Perspective: An Interview with Dr. Timothy Evans
There are many questions about COVID-19 and its impact on the world in terms of healthcare, politics, and life as…
Pandemic Economy: Recovery Expectations and Pivotal…
2021 年 11 月 - HongFarm:2021-11-12 · 于是我重新写了一篇教程,不做过多的描述,仅写最基础的使用和操作。我知道你不关心它是什么和为什么,只关心怎么做才能正常的访问 Google,那么请移步看我新写 面向新手的V2Ray搭建指南 这篇对新手更友好的教程。
Opinion | Atticus Finch Isn’t a Role Model, He’s…
Free-Riders in NATO? Trump’s Rhetoric In US-German Relations
In the middle of the Indian Ocean lies Diego Garcia, the region’s bastion of American hegemony. As Chinese…
#Metoo?: How Japanese Legislation and Society Are Failing Sexual Assault Victims
When commenting on societal backlash, Itō criticized the mainstream media for trying to dismantle her case by…
Hong Kong : le mirage d’une prison dorée
Calling Hypocrisy: Lessons from Authoritarians about…
How Malaysia’s Democratic Transition Came to a Screeching…
Right to Vote and Public Health: Elections in the Time of…
Free-Riders in NATO? Trump’s Rhetoric In US-German Relations
While the concept of collective defence is still relevant, Germany and the US's relationship involves much more…
月下博客 – v2ray上网技术站 - 拯救被墙的服务器:2021-2-29 · 搭建服务器时同时搭建一个网站,出问题时能迅速确定ip被封还是端口问题。同时因为网站的存在,能一定程度上迷惑墙,不会轻易封杀;重要的事情重复三遍:伪装的V2Ray大法好!伪装的V2Ray大法好!伪装的V2Ray大法好!
Restoration and Retribution: A Tale of Two Criminal Justice…
L’histoire coloniale française : un passé oublié mais…
Middle East
Afghanistan’s Gendered Healthcare System Re-Surfaces Amidst COVID-19
Linux玩家必备:Ubuntu完全配置指南 - 知乎:2021-4-6 · 更新记录2021.4.6更新:增加了Fish的介绍2021.2.12更新:增加了Deepin-Wine系列软件的安装说明2021.12.19更新:新增alacarte菜单编辑工具2021.12.14更新:新增快捷设置开机启动项的方法2021.10更新:新增腾讯QQ、…
Behind the Curtain: US Foreign Policy in the Age of COVID-19
Environmental Peacebuilding in the Middle East: The Bridge…
Another Goal in Mind: “Sportswashing” in…
Tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean: Interview Part 2
月下博客 – v2ray上网技术站 - 一加3T刷LineageOS:续前文“一加3T救砖过程”,手机在刷机过程中变砖了,为了刷系统需先救砖,救砖之后再刷机~ 本人的一加手机时国行版本,预装H2OS系统,开机后升级至H2OS 3.0(安卓版本7.0)。伍下是刷最新每夜版LineageOS的过程。准备工作 部分工具和链接页面需要翻墙才能访问,为了照顾翻墙不便的朋友,伍下列 …
In the middle of the Indian Ocean lies Diego Garcia, the region’s bastion of American hegemony. As Chinese…
Non-Alignment Movement: Cold War Relic or Legitimate International Forum?
Given that some members of NAM have outgrown their status as developing countries and others have acquired far more…
Bhutan and the Paradox of Happiness
Growling Discontent: The Anti-Casteism of the Dalit Panthers
Dig Deeper: Basic Income
Facing India’s Legacy of Colourism
India and the Rohingya
MIR Year in Review 2023-2023
A compendium of some of the McGill International Review's articles and content from 2023-2023.